CoxnCrendor Wiki

He is mainly known for punching people randomly and going around, being a badass. He was once a CINN junkie along with his girlfriend but he changed and she never has. He lives in a tent made of Giant's skin (which he has killed more than 50 of) in Keen Valley which isn't far from his home city; Scar City. Now he forages his own food, most commonly steak from steak bush.

Guy Hero is very popular with everybody, including the gay community, it's often said that if you don't love Guy Hero, you're not human, although this phrase is probably just down to celebrity worship by the masses and not a reliable saying.


"if you don't have hope, I'll pound it into you,"


  • Super Strength
  • Can tap into The Flo


  • Badassery


  • Giant skin tent
  • Skinning Knife

First Appearance

25. Cox N' Crendor Beta: Thursday, January 3rd 2013 (#Guy Heroic)
